Bankinter integrates Touch ID fingerprint identification technology into its mobile banking.

Bankinter has integrated Apple Touch ID fingerprint technology into its mobile banking system. This new technology allows Bankinter users to connect to the mobile banking service simply by placing their finger on a detection sensor that is built into the start button of their iPhone, thus avoiding the traditional customer identification and authentication protocol which uses a user name and password.

This new biometric identification feature -available for compatible Apple devices, including the iPhone 5S, 6 and 6+ and the latest generation of iPads and iPad minis-  means a greater agility, speed and availability of the connection, making things easier for customers and in turn increasing the level of security of banking transactions.

The use of this feature is simple and involves an initial access with credentials input manually, together with a digital fingerprint registering the customer on the Touch ID application. From then on, it will no longer be necessary to manually enter any credentials. The system remembers the customer's user profile and enables their digital fingerprint as a password, which is verified each time that a user connects by comparing it with the one that is configured on the device.

Once the customer's fingerprint has been verified, they can access the status of their accounts and products with the bank. To carry out any transactions, the system continues to be based on the normal protocol, by means of a coordinates card or temporary key for single use sent by SMS, which offers an additional security check.

Access to the Bankinter mobile banking using fingerprint technology complies with all of the security requirements inherent to such a service. As with other biometric identification systems, access is more secure than traditional access using passwords.

Bankinter has been a pioneer in the sector, offering a mobile finance and stock operations service in Spain since 2005. 11% of the total number of transactions that are carried out at the bank are currently made using this channel, which gives us an idea of the penetration rate of the service among customers.

With this new solution, Gneis, the technological and operative subsidiary of Bankinter, is once again placed at the forefront in financial technological innovation.