Vídeo XII Edición Implicados y Solidarios

Bankinter is holding the “12th Involved and Solidarity” event with the donations made by customers in their card purchases being donated to NGOs

“Involvement and Solidarity” culminated its twelfth edition yesterday with the delivery of the various donations that customers make when they pay for their purchases with the “Bankinter Solidarios” card. At the event the 10 projects of NGOs, foundations and associations that benefited from the aforementioned contributions were unveiled.

In the 12 years that Bankinter has been organising “Involved and Solidarity,” more than 120 social projects have received a total of 612,000 euros. This year, a total of 170 projects were submitted.

The initiative is completely transversal because it not only involves customers who decide to show solidarity in their purchases with the aforementioned card, but also the bank's employees, both in the regional organisations and in central services, who propose the projects that compete in the competition. Each of the finalist projects is also sponsored by a bank executive. 

The bank also involves its social media community in this process, as the public votes on the bank's profiles to select their favourite projects. In fact, a record number of more than 12,600 votes were cast this year. Those elected are in turn voted for by Bankinter's staff, who cast a total of 2,600 votes.  

Yesterday's event, which took place at Bankinter's headquarters in Madrid, announced the winning projects. This year, the patron of the competition was Ousman Umar, winner of the 2021 Princess of Girona Social Award and founder of the NGO NASCO Feeding, which has the objective of feeding the minds of young Africans with education and information so that they themselves can be the architects of transforming their reality. Ousman left his native Ghana at the age of 12 and it took him five years to reach Europe, specifically Barcelona. After travelling halfway across Africa, he crossed the Sahara and also the sea by boat, a tragic journey during which he lost many companions. With his NGO, he seeks to avoid the drama of immigration by offering alternatives so that other young people do not go through the same experience.

After Ousman Umar's inspiring speech, it was time for the winners to be announced. The project that has won the Gold Solidaria Card in 2023, with a 12,000 euro endowment, is “Mom, Dad..., what does the food taste like?” from the NUPA association, which helps children with intestinal failure who are forced to eat through a tube and for whom it has developed a rehabilitation programme to help them to feed themselves naturally.

Second place, with the Silver Solidaria Card, worth 10,000 euros, went to the “Living with autonomy and dignity until the end of life” initiative from the CUDECA Foundation. This organisation offers specialised palliative care in Malaga completely free of charge and is seeking to set up a volunteer programme for elderly patients, who also suffer from unwanted loneliness.

Meanwhile, the Bronze Solidaria Card, worth 8,000 euros, went to the programme “Accommodation for families with children with congenital heart disease hospitalised in Madrid” from the association Menudos Corazones. This organisation helps and supports children and young people with congenital heart disease and their families, and one of its projects is to provide free housing near the hospital for families who have to move far from where they live during a long period of hospitalisation. 

A runner-up prize of 5,000 euros was also awarded to the “With you step by step” project from the association 1.001 Esperanzas (1,001 Hopes). This organisation supports children and young people with cancer at the Montepríncipe Hospital in Madrid. They welcome families on arrival at the centre and support them throughout the process, as well as helping them to cover treatment costs.

Another runner-up prize of 5,000 euros went to the “Let Children Study” project from the Pablo Horstmann Foundation. It offers a comprehensive scholarship for children and young people who are vulnerable and orphaned in Ethiopia, covering school fees, school materials, clothing, food and health care.

Five NGOs and foundations have also received a donation of 3,000 euros to support their work. These are:

- Aspace Cantabria, with the “"Communication without barriers" project, which improves the communication capacity of people with cerebral palsy thanks to high-tech devices. 

- Fesbal, with the “Plan B initiative from the Spanish Federation of Food Banks”, a digital platform that prevents the loss of food products throughout the chain, from their origin to the end consumer.

- Inclusive Foundation, with the "I also paint" project, in which artists with disabilities can develop their creative talent.

- CRIS contra el cáncer, with the programme "CRIS Units with advanced therapies”, which promotes and finances research projects for the treatment and cure of this disease.

-UNRWA, with the initiative “Protecting the refugee population in Syria”, which provides assistance and protection to Palestinian refugees in a Syrian camp.

The Chairman of Bankinter highlights the example of the third sector.

The event culminated in a speech by the Chairman of Bankinter, Pedro Guerrero, who chairs the Bank's Sustainability Committee.

Pedro Guerrero stressed in his speech that “we owe the concept of sustainability to the third sector” and highlighted the 48 million direct care actions carried out by NGOs, foundations and associations, which employ more than half a million people and have more than one million volunteers.

The Chairman stressed to the NGOs, foundations and associations that “with your example, you change society and make companies manage differently” in the field of sustainability.

Pedro Guerrero also recalled Bankinter's focus on sustainability management, which is included in the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability World index, which lists the world's most sustainable companies.