Bankinter launches its profiled or 'premium' pension plans to suit all kinds of investors

Bankinter has just made its first premium pension plans available to all investors. This type of product seeks to tailor the offer to different types of investors and savers.

With its new portfolio of pension plans, the Bank aims to reorganise and simplify its offer of mixed pension plans while covering all the needs of potential and actual customers who are thinking of supplementing their retirement income, including younger customers who have just started their careers.

Bankinter is replicating here the success in demand it has achieved in recent years with its premium investment funds, a type of profiled funds that offers all kinds of investment options for five different investment profiles.

The premium pension plans replicate this model and are also available in five categories: defensive, conservative, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. Thus, in the defensive premium pension plan, designed for the investor with less appetite for equities, the weight of equities in assets varies between a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 10%.

Savers more attracted to the stock market can opt for the conservative premium plan, where they can invest between 15% and 25% of their assets in equity. A slightly riskier profile of investor might be interested in the moderate premium plan, which allocates between 25% and 50% to equities.

Finally, those investors who are drawn to equity investments might lean towards the premium dynamic (between 50% and 75% investment in equities) and premium aggressive (between 75% and 100%) plans.

This new range of pension plans reinforces and improves the product offering of Bankinter Seguros de Vida, a company owned by Bankinter and Mapfre, which manages a total of 2,900 million euros in pension plans and EPSVs for Bankinter customers.


Pension plans with ESG criteria.

These types of pension plans are invested globally and, like the premium investment funds, are multi-asset. Additionally, a feature that is attracting demand from a specific type of investor is that these pension plans will comply with ESG criteria, which stands for environmental, social and governance criteria.

With this new offer aimed at long-term savings, Bankinter strengthens its range of ESG products, having already launched in 2020 its first pension plan managed under the umbrella of ESG criteria.

For Bankinter, sustainability is a strategic priority, and it is no coincidence the Bank has been working in this area for more than a decade, earning it the recognition of being among the most sustainable companies in the world and a membership of the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Index, to which it has belonged for four years now.