Bankinter Consumer Finance and Pullmantur Cruises launch new Pullmantur Visa card

Bankinter Consumer Finance – a leading consumer credit entity wholly owned by Bankinter - and Pullmantur Cruises – the market’s only cruise line that combines Spanish living with cruise travel –  have entered into a strategic agreement to offer customers a credit tool with more flexible payment options.

The new Pullmantur Visa card aims to provide the cruise line’s guests an easier way to reserve and finance their holiday getaways over a period of up to 18 months, irrespective of the channel they use to pay for them. The card has no annual maintenance fees, and customers do not need to change banks in order to enjoy its exclusive benefits.

In particular, all Pullmantur customers who opt to make their payments using the Pullmantur Visa card will get discounts of as much as 6% on credit card purchases as well as a €20 cashback reward for non-cruise purchases made in Pullmantur Cruises.

For the Pullmantur Cruises’ president and CEO, Richard J. Vogel, this new card is ‘the result of a long journey that will allow us to continue to democratise cruise travel further, making our product more accessible in the Spanish market.’ ‘This objective’, says Vogel, ‘also fits perfectly with our desire to promote initiatives intended to improve our guests’ experience constantly’.

Furthermore, the president and CEO stressed ‘the support we have got from Bankinter Consumer Finance, which has believed in this project from the start and was fully committed to making sure the Pullmantur Visa card could, today, become a reality’.

Bankinter Consumer Finance’s chief executive, Alfonso Sáez, expressed his satisfaction ‘in having been chosen to be financial partners with a cruise line like Pullmantur Cruises to create and manage its own credit card’. He further mentioned that, ‘the level of specialisation and expertise we have achieved with this business will allow us to provide the cruise line’s customers with an excellent product and service-quality level’.

Alfonso Sáez also pointed out that Bankinter Consumer Finance continues to be committed to growing this business line of partnerships, which has boosted its performance and, along with its other operations, ‘has made us one of the consumer credit brands experiencing the most growth in our country’.

Flexible payment options

This card offers a particularly flexible payment method. Customers do not need to change banks and can always choose to make end of month payments or defer payments under the best terms and conditions for Pullmantur Cruises and other products.

They can also transfer money from the card to their account, regardless of the bank to which they belong. Furthermore, customers can receive transaction notices on their phone in real time as a security measure and way of better monitoring their transactions.

All Spanish citizens and residents in Spain from over 15 EU countries may take out a Pullmantur Visa card.

About Bankinter Consumer Finance:

Bankinter Consumer Finance, Bankinter Group’s wholly-owned consumer credit subsidiary, is one of the credit entities that have experienced the most growth in Spain in recent years. At the end of the third quarter of 2018, this company had 1.2 million customers, up by 22% from last year, with a total of 244,000 new customers in the first nine months of this year. Its loan portfolio totalled 1.8 billion euros, up 38% year on year.

About Pullmantur Cruises:

‘pullmantur cruceros, cruceros como somos’. If there’s anything that defines us, it’s our personalised and flexible offering and how we can adapt to everyone’s way of travelling with a Spanish/Latino essence.

We are a company of enthusiastic, attentive and committed people, who are passionate about making our guests enjoy every moment. We have fun by making our guests have fun! Don’t take our word for it: our crew, the heart and soul of Pullmantur Cruises, has received the Excellence Award for nine years in a row.

With a fleet of four ships, we navigate around the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, the Arabian Sea, the seas of Northern Europe and the Atlantic Ocean.