A new visual language
If in 2017, the foundations were laid for homogenising Bankinter's image in online and offline environments, in 2018, efforts focussed on laying them consistently and putting them into practice, in all forms of internal and external communication.
The personality of the brand and its visual identity is reflected in each of the experiences that are generated with stakeholders, i.e., in the products created, the spaces used for the purposes of work and in which customer relations are developed, both via remote channels (web, app, telephone) and face-toface channels (offices, centres, etc.).
The concept on which the new visual language is supported seeks to express the position of Bankinter on the market, emphasise what has been built to date and offer a consistent brand experience. To this end, a unique, fresh and current visual and verbal language was created that could be understood in all environments.
Based on one of the most characteristic and visual elements, such as the logo, the language created represents an evolution of the entity's corporate image. The result is a more flexible, adaptable and readable language in all formats, with a brighter style of photography based on bright colours, that is easy to interpret, optimistic and very natural looking.