Sustainability > Suppliers


Efficiency and commitment

Bankinter has a provider relationship model based on collaboration, clarity, transparency and access to complete and accurate information. The entity establishes a single procurement procedure for all Group companies and incorporates its commitment to the fulfilment of human and labour rights and the prevention of corruption.

The contracting of suppliers by the Purchasing department, guarantees transparency, free competition, equality, guarantees and savings in all actions. 

Digital transformation consumes a large part of the resources of this department, which means it specializes in keeping the technological architecture of Bankinter, one of its great sources of competitive advantage, in constant development. This requires robust systems with maximum usability. To this end, important and rigorous procurement processes were carried out in 2016,.  

Outsourcing policy  

The increasingly competitive banking environment requires constant improvements in efficiency, obliging entities to dedicate their internal resources to providing extra added value, which constitute the essential core of their activities, while transferring others to outside experts. 

This trend towards outsourcing brings important benefits to financial institutions, such as a significant reduction in costs and an increase in the quality of the services offered. At the same time, it requires a good control and risk evaluation system. In 2016 Bankinter's purchasing department continued to work on the policy approved by the entity with regard to this, in accordance with corporate governance requirements, European regulations and good practice references.

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