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Private banking

A long-term relationship 

The main objective for Private Banking is to build a long-term relationship with customers that goes beyond the sale of specific products. The Bank therefore needs to be able to provide high quality services that can only be attained through the continuous manager training. The level of excellence in the customer service provided is measured through surveys taken on a regular basis, the results of which reveal the Bank's achievements and those areas that need to be improved.

Continuous training, which is especially necessary in times of political and economic uncertainty such as those experienced in 2016, is provided to managers in two ways. First, by ensuring they are up to date regarding their knowledge of market trends. And second, through weekly meetings with the heads of Bankinter Gestión de Activos, whose experience and knowledge for these purposes is extremely useful.

This, together with the managers' independence of judgment and their high sense of personal responsibility, enables them to offer the best advice regarding investments and tax matters, which are two issues that usually most interest Private Banking customers. This is shown through the increased quality perceived by customers with regard to the service received, which is reflected in the surveys.



A wide range of funds

Together with customer service, another key factor is maintaining an open-ended fund structure, which allows customers to choose from a wide range of possibilities from different Spanish and foreign managers based on each risk profile. To further develop this range of possibilities, imaginative investment vehicles have started to be designed specifically for Private Banking, and they have been very well received in general.

The more than 200 professional team members dedicated to this segment are considered to be among the best in Spain. Their work in 2016 translated into an 11.4% increase in assets managed, which totalled 31.2 billion euros at the end of the year. Bankinter also consolidated its number two position in the market in terms of equity investment companies (SICAVS), with a market share of nearly 14%.

The image of solvency transmitted by Bankinter, as well as the involvement of the Bank's senior management in achieving the target set, decisively contributed to these results. The Luxembourg office also played an important role, as it allowed customers to diversify their investments in one of the countries with the greatest legal certainty worldwide.

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