Business > Networks and Channels > Banca Partnet

Banca Partnet

A new approach for growth

Banca Partnet is a network in parallel to the conventional office network based on alliances with large companies to develop financial services with them. The arrangement is based on a partnership with large companies, with the creation of virtual bank branches: that is, with no physical location, inside the company itself. The Bank provides the technology and knowledge, while the company promotes its services among employees, customers, associates and suppliers. The earnings of the partnership's common income statement are divided between the two.

This innovative business model, which no other bank has managed to imitate, was relaunched in 2016, with a deep transformation of the teams, processes and new technology resources, through a new three-year strategic plan. The objective is to make the partner network more efficient and increase the value contribution of this differential business offering, and grow its contribution to the bank's earnings. The new approach will adjust the capillarity of the network and strengthen sector-based specialisation, concentrating on arrangements with companies that have the most potential. One of the priorities of the business will be to strengthen the structure and technology, and to service the different needs of each sector.

Adapted and exclusive service

In addition, the new orientation in this business area envisages a redefinition and optimisation of the portfolio of products offered to partners that will take into account the characteristics of their employees. The ultimate purpose is to provide better and exclusive service that adjusts to the needs of each company, with a significant role for specialised advisory (including training, if required) for their employees and members of senior management.

A significant aspect of the new strategy is the strong commitment to technology development, the plan for which is to be completed by the end of 2017. Once it has been fully implemented, customers of Partnet Banking will benefit from the latest innovations in digital technology and will available to them mobile applications to subscribe to pre-authorised products and receive timely information on the benefits they are receiving, among other advantages.

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