Experts and knowledge
The commercial future of green hydrogen opportunities.
When used as a raw material, green hydrogen can decarbonise intensive industry (petrochemicals, chemicals, fertilisers, etc.).

Future expectations of mass usage of green hydrogen.
- Used as commodities, green hydrogen can decarbonise intensive industries, such as petrochemicals, chemicals and fertilisers.
- It can have other uses where electrification is not efficient or viable, or is very expensive (such as long-distance freight and public transport, urban services and multi-mode transport).
- Green hydrogen can also be used to develop synthetic fuels and other products, in combination with CO2 captured in industrial processes.
- Finally, the full potential of renewable hydrogen can be developed as an energy source for storage and decarbonisation of the thermal sector, for both industrial (such as steel, ceramics and glass) and domestic uses.
The main drivers for the future development of the use of green hydrogen:
- Expressions of interest are non-binding and you can access financing without having taken part in any such public consultations.
- Except for special circumstances, projects submitted before the funding calls will not be accepted.
- Public funding for projects is expected to be around 20%. The rest must come from private sources.
- In addition to national programmes, companies can apply directly to European programmes.
- The Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (SPERT) demand participation from the entire value chain of a sector, which means they cover SMEs as well as large enterprises.
- The REACT funds are managed by the autonomous communities and are non-repayable grants for the post-Covid recovery.
- A good project must be disruptive and realistic, promote collaboration between companies, and have a positive impact on the sector and region.
- It's wise to designate an individual or a team at each company with sole responsibility for managing these funds.
- It's important to identify projects that meet the conditions of the specifications and flesh them out: make them greener, more inclusive ...
- Get to work on your projects right now to ensure you meet the deadline. The time frames are very tight.
Information obtained through the hydrogen cycle, organised by Adegi. Webinar participants and speakers::
- Samuel Pérez Ramírez: Iberdrola Innovation, Sustainability and Quality division.
- Javier Rodríguez: Managing director of Cidetec Energy Storage.
- Arturo Fernández Goyenechea: Innovation manager at Petronor.
- Imanol Iturrioz: Head of R&D at the CAF Group.
- Javier Brey Sánchez: Chairman of the Spanish Hydrogen Association and H2B2 founder and CEO.
- Fernando Espiga: Head of Energy Transition at Tecnalia.
- Raquel Azcárraga: Head of Sustainability at Bankinter.