Experts and knowledge
10 essential features of Next Generation Funds for companies.
Do you know the essential features of the Next Generation EU Funds?

- Expressions of interest are non-binding and you can access financing without having taken part in any such public consultations.
- Except for special circumstances, projects submitted before the funding calls will not be accepted.
- Public funding for projects is expected to be around 20%. The rest must come from private sources.
- In addition to national programmes, companies can apply directly to European programmes.
- The Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (SPERT) demand participation from the entire value chain of a sector, which means they cover SMEs as well as large enterprises.
- The REACT funds are managed by the autonomous communities and are non-repayable grants for the post-Covid recovery.
- A good project must be disruptive and realistic, promote collaboration between companies, and have a positive impact on the sector and region.
- It's wise to designate an individual or a team at each company with sole responsibility for managing these funds.
- It's important to identify projects that meet the conditions of the specifications and flesh them out: make them greener, more inclusive ...
- Get to work on your projects right now to ensure you meet the deadline. The time frames are very tight.
And keep in mind a rule that hardly ever fails: a good project will always be financed.