15 Jun 2020
Retail webinar.
The retail sector was probably one of the hardest hit by the pandemic, and this naturally had a knock-on effect for its close cousins, the logistics and distribution sectors. What is the post-COVID situation? What is the outlook for the sector?
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In this webinar we analyse the management of commercial companies and the challenges facing the retail sector in this unprecedented situation caused by COVID-19. On hand to share his expertise and vision of the retail sector now and in the future, is Laureano Turienzo, a leading international speaker and chairman of the Spanish Retail Association (AER). Laureano will explain his vision of the new Covid and post-Covid scenario and how it has affected the sector. He will also share his views on the physical stores of the future, the new omni-channel scenario for customers after COVID-19 and what new consumers expect of us.
11:33 GMT+02