Integrated Report
Governance Report
Financial Statements
Special 50th anniversary
annual report 2015
06. Risks

A guarantee of integrity and confidentiality

Bankinter, SA has always been one of the pioneers in committing to personal data protection and information confidentiality, as well as offering its customers measures that ensure compliance at all times with Organic Law 15/1999 on Personal data Protection (LOPF) and its implementing regulations, which entered into force on 19 April 2008 with Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, adapting its systems to these laws.

The bank's personal data protection policy rests on two core areas: legal and technical observance. All contracts that customers sign with Bankinter, SA have a data protection clause, not only to receive their consent for processing their data, but ensuring that they are also provided with detailed information on the purpose for processing these data. Similarly, at the time of signing the contract, they are given the possibility from the outset of opposing the processing of their data for commercial purposes, by ticking a box that lets them indicate their wishes.

The data protection clause also notifies customers of their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing that are available to them and the way to exercise these rights, ensuring that they have power to control their personal data. Simple fast communication channels have been enabled for this purpose, including telephone banking and writing to address provided to this end, and they can also go into their branch.

With regard to data confidentiality and security, the Bankinter, SA security policy guarantees at all times that data are transmitted by suitable, reliable and secure channels, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of transactions executed by customers. Bankinter, SA has also made the commitment to regularly supervise security measures, conducting audits of its own systems and the systems of the suppliers with which the bank has business relations and that may have access to customers' personal data.

With regard to training, there is an online course mandatory for all employees.

During 2015, no sanctions were received for data protection.

In short, Bankinter, SA continues to fulfills its commitment each year of guaranteeing all customers the protection, integrity and confidentiality of their data, strengthening and innovating the strict internal protection measures.

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