In 2020, Bankinter will have the same minimum capital requirement for the European Central Bank as in 2019
The EU supervisor decided that it will review Bankinter’s capital requirements every two years (instead of annually) owing to its prudent risk profile and appropriate capital adequacy level.
The European Central Bank (ECB) has notified Bankinter that, in 2020, it will impose the same minimum capital requirement that it had required of the bank in 2019, as part of its supervisory review and evaluation process (‘SREP’).
The Supervisor believed that Bankinter’s risk profile remains unchanged and, thus, Bankinter continues within the group of banks with the lowest capital requirements. This type of decision for the coming year will only apply to a select group of banks in the European Union.
Furthermore, the ECB has decided that it will conduct its supervisory review and evaluation for Bankinter every two years, due to the bank’s prudent risk policy and appropriate capital adequacy level. All other banks will be subject to the current annual evaluation.
As a result of this notification, the ECB’s minimum capital requirements for Bankinter in 2020 will be the same as in the decision it had issued on 14 February. Therefore, its consolidated CET1 (Common Equity Tier 1) level will continue to be 8.20%, and its required total capital ratio will stay at 11.70%.
At the end of June, these two capital adequacy parameters were well above those requirements: fully-loaded CET 1 stood at 11.50% and the total capital ratio was 13.87%. In February, Bankinter had the lowest SREP requirements amongst banks in Spain.
Bankinter welcomes the ECB’s decision and will continue to work to maintain an appropriate capital adequacy level in line with its prudent risk profile.