
Bankinter turns its marketing strategy around and launches a new campaign which appeals to emotional concepts

The campaign will focus on the digital and TV formats. On TV (both open signal and paid platforms), the campaign will be run in more premium positions and during much longer periods.

Bankinter remains true to a line of communication based on differentiation and grounded in the concept that "not all banks are the same".

Bankinter is launching today a new advertising campaign. This marks a major change in its marketing strategy since it revisits the brand's traditional concepts such as differentiation. However, the chosen approach to the new campaign distances itself from more conventional advertising and instead follows the communication codes required nowadays.

Following from this premise, the Bank has devised a line of communication based on slices of life which connect with people's daily lives and appeal to their more emotional side by portraying familiar experiences. This represents a radical change to Bankinter's advertising in recent years, which was much more focused on transmitting the brand's more rational benefits and, above all, the benefits of its financial products and on presenting the payroll account as its key proposal, while always focusing on a more interested target audience.

With this change in perspective, Bankinter is launching a campaign primarily based on the TV and digital formats, with a special emphasis on video and social media. As for TV, "quality" will be prioritised over "quantity", with a special presence in premium positions and during much longer periods, particularly at the start of the campaign. Consequently, planning for open-signal TV will target more qualitative environments (news programmes and new shows); and there will be greater presence in paid platforms: themed channels, Movistar+, etc.

The campaign will also have a major presence in digital media with a focus on audiences outside the reach of TV. To this end, it will include video, banners and custom cover pages in the main publications as well as actions in social media with pieces promoted by the brand and the involvement of influencers from different spheres of interest.

The overall goal is to achieve maximum brand awareness and to enhance the perception of Bankinter's brand by conveying the following to the general public: the message that Bankinter "is not like other banks", and the concept that "when you accept that everything is the same, you give up on finding something better", so "Never stop searching".