Bankinter is helping customers access all its measures to reduce the impact of coronavirus
The bank is launching an advertisement campaign through April to spread awareness and give customers, vendors and employees access to propositions in its shock plan.
In an open letter, chief executive officer María Dolores Dancausa makes a set of pledges toward the bank's several stakeholders, such as preserving the jobs of all employees.
Bankinter is running an advertisement campaign on print and online media through April, in order to spread awareness and give access to measures it has taken to mitigate the impact caused by COVID-19 on its customers due to discontinued operations (for companies and sole traders) and an abrupt decrease in their income as a result of of unemployment, a temporary redundancy scheme or otherwise (for individuals).
These measures include a new micro-site, (https://www.bankinter.com/banca/medidas-covid19), that sets out all the measures the bank has been taking since the start of the crisis, as well as any new initiatives it creates in the coming days for its various stakeholders (retail, sole-trader and corporate customers; employees; and vendors) who have been particularly affected by the exceptional financial situation caused by the pandemic.
Furthermore, in a personal open letter, Bankinter’s chief executive officer, María Dolores Dancausa has undertaken a set of ‘clear and verifiable pledges’ with all these stakeholders, to whom she wishes to send a message of optimism and trust, ‘with actions’, that ‘this will pass and we'll be right here with you’.
‘Today, nothing is more powerful than people’s commitment toward others’, said the chief executive officer in her letter.
Her promises include preserving the jobs of all the bank’s employees, carrying on its 7-year streak of creating quality employment.
For retail customers, Bankinter’s CEO undertakes to authorise a four-month, extendible payment holiday on mortgage principals for any families suffering the impact of the crisis who cannot meet the requirements set out in the moratorium on mortgage payments approved by Royal Decree-Law.
Dancausa also promises to relax income requirements for all current holders of salary and business accounts, so that they will be able to enjoy all their benefits and fee exemptions. She will also pay pensioner customers their pensions five days ahead of the usual date.
For companies, the chief executive officer is taking on different pledges, such as ‘implementing the initiatives promoted by the State immediately, by offering them a line of credit of up to 100 billion euros’.
This is another measure in the set of initiatives and credit facilities the bank has announced for corporate customers (which can be found on its new micro-site), including: payment holidays on loans for certain customers, the option of increasing or readjusting unused ‘multi-funding’ limits, or using pre-approved loans (intended for tax and social security payments) for any other purpose.
The site also contains measures for other groups, like vendors, whose invoices the bank has agreed to pay in 15 days, five days earlier than the current payment period of 20 days.