Bankinter launches a new structured deposit: "Depósito Garantizado Digital 16".
This deposit closes for investment on 4 December.
Marketed under the name "Depósito Garantizado Digital 16", Bankinter has launched a new structured deposit which has a fixed term of 18 months, with full repayment of initial capital guaranteed at maturity, and the possibility of receiving a coupon of 3% depending on the performance of the shares of Santander and Nestlé, which the deposit is linked to.
The deposit guarantees full repayment of initial capital, plus a coupon payment of 3% of the capital invested, provided the two underlying financial instruments, Banco Santander and Nestlé shares, have a market value at the end of the analysed period which is equal to or greater than the market value at the start (5 December 2012).
If this condition is not met, i.e. if the final value of one or both of the underlying financial instruments is lower than the initial value, the coupon at maturity will be 0.7%. In any case the full initial capital is guaranteed.
The minimum deposit required for the new "Depósito Grantizado Digital 16" structured deposit is 1000 euros, and investment closes on 4 December.
This deposit allows early termination at market value of the total amount invested on the 3rd day of every month, starting 4 January 2015.