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Social and territorial cohesion - European Recovery Fund

Aid from the European Recovery Fund for Social and Territorial Cohesion.

The core concept of social and territorial cohesion is essential to promote solid and sustainable growth. This core concept intersects many times with the other three, which usually requires the involvement of the administration and which at the same time represents a field full of opportunities for many companies.
Ayudas del Fondo Europeo de Recuperación para la Cohesión social y territorial

What do we understand by social and territorial cohesion?

Social and territorial cohesion implies solid and sustainable economic growth that implies: Promoting knowledge, quality education and permanent training to reduce inequalities and promote employability.

Investing in promoting this social cohesion aims to create new opportunities and greater efficiency in our economy, also producing societies with a higher quality of life for all their members.

This core concept centres on the following pillars:

  • Education
  • Health
  • Social services
  • Care economy
  • Demographic problem.

Keys to Social and Territorial Cohesion Projects

The typology and concrete examples of projects framed within the core of Social and Territorial Cohesion cannot be specified until the projects presented by each of the member states are definitively approved.

  • In this core, the Administration will have a key role:

    • Through a direct investment by the State: As in the case of the deployment of strategic railway infrastructure networks.
    • Through the Autonomous Communities or Local Corporations: Such as for the deployment of projects for home renovation programs or programs in the field of health and education
    • Through public-private partnership.

  • But in addition to the administration, the companies can also choose to receive funds for social and territorial cohesion, with projects such as:

    • Projectes enfocats cap a la promoció o generació de contractes indefinits, especialment entre col·lectius o àrees geogràfiques amb dèficit d'estructura social.
    • Reducció de l'abandonament escolar: les mesures i propostes que treballin en la reducció de l'abandonament escolar poden ser també un vector clar.
    • Accés a habitatge per a joves i col·lectius vulnerables: aquest és un altre element receptor d'ajuts.
    • Evitar el tall de subministraments bàsics, que de vegades poden coincidir també amb interessos de sostenibilitat, proposant solucions d'autogeneració neta, per exemple.
    • Infraestructures de tot tipus encaminades a trencar la bretxa territorial. Aquestes infraestructures poden ser de transport, tant rodat com ara vials de tren i d'altres, o per a la millora de les telecomunicacions, la millora a l'accés a serveis bàsics com l'aigua, l'energia, etc.
    • Reforç del Sistema per a l'Autonomia i l'Atenció a la Dependència.

Social and territorial cohesion is, therefore, a core concept that intersects many times with the other three, and that also usually requires the involvement of the administration. But that does not mean that it ceases to be a field full of opportunities for many companies.


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