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Aid from the European Recovery Fund for Ecological Transition.

The sustainability axis is one of the fundamental components of the Next Generation EU program and its primary objective is Ecological Transition resulting from the implementation of renewable energy strategies and changing the energy vector dedicated to reducing emissions.

Ayudas del Fondo Europeo de Recuperación para la Transición Ecológica

What is Ecological Transition from our point of view?

Within the scope of European funds, Ecological Transition projects are projects related to the following concepts, among others:

  • Decarbonisation.
  • Use of electricity in transportation.
  • Building of energy storage solutions.
  • The circular economy.

Keys to the Ecological Transition projects

Project types cannot be specified until the projects that have been presented by each of the member states are definitively approved. Based on the Spanish budget associated with the Next Generation Plan and the distribution between the different approaches, we can establish some of the primary keys for the Ecological Transition projects:
  • Investments for the transformation of the electric car value chain.

    Work is underway to identify and prepare an initial group of Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTEs). An initial PERTE has already been announced which will combine investments from the various agents for the transformation of the electric automobile value chain.

  • Establishing of renewable energy distribution, storage and flexibility networks.

    In order to further the use of renewables, an investment of more than 1 billion euros will be allocated to the establishment of distribution, storage and flexibility networks, so that they can be adapted to the requirements corresponding to the energy transition.

  • Renewable hydrogen and its sectoral integration.

    The component “Renewable hydrogen roadmap and its sectoral integration” reflects a firm commitment to renewable hydrogen, with an investment of more than 1.5 billion euros.

Are there already amounts allocated for specific projects and plans?

  • Within the urban and rural agenda, the fight against depopulation and development of agriculture, which includes the Shock plan for sustainable, safe and connected mobility in urban and metropolitan environments with an investment of €6.536 billion.
  • Sustainable, safe and connected mobility is included within resilient infrastructure and ecosystems, with an amount of €6.667 billion
  • In relation to a fair and inclusive energy transition, on 14 December 2021 the Council of Ministers approved the Renewable Energies PERTE, which will boost green hydrogen and photovoltaic and wind power in Spain.
    Find out more in these videos:


Transformation of a key sector.

The key challenge of this PERTE is to diversify the naval sector by steering it towards new products, digitalise the sector, improve its environmental sustainability and train employees.

A total investment of 1.46 billion euros has been planned for this purpose:

  • 310 million euros of state aid
  • 1.15 billion of private investment


Competitiveness and sustainability in the agri-food sector.

The PERTE aims to contribute to the strengthening of the food industry throughout the value chain, for the next decade, and to support a sector so closely connected to the demographic challenge: the so-called "Empty Spain". A industry which needs to increase its competitiveness, be more sustainable and adapt to the demands of today's consumer.

This PERTE has three main lines:

  • €400m to strengthen competitiveness, sustainability and traceability and food safety.
  • €454.35m for the digitalisation of all actors in the value chain.
  • €148.56m to support research, innovation and the transfer of technology (R+I+T).


Opportunities of the energy future

The aim of the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation (PERTE) for Renewable Energies, Renewable Hydrogen and Storage (ERHA) is to develop technology, knowledge and industrial capacities for integration in the productive sectors, thereby reinforcing Spain's leadership position in the energy transition process.


Transformative, facilitating and cross-sector measures

This project will mobilise an investment of €16.370 billion to be spread across transformative, facilitating and cross-sector measures that will lead to the creation of more than 280,000 sustainable jobs.

Circular Economy PERTE.

The circular economy PERTE aims to accelerate the transition to a more efficient and sustainable production system in terms of the use of commodities. It therefore offers aid to companies across all sectors that want to reduce their ecological footprint.

  • With a budget of €492mn, it is expected to mobilise over €1.22bn between now and 2026.
  • At least 70,000 jobs are expected to be created in Spain.


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We help you understand the most relevant issues related to NGEU Funds for digital transformation.
NGEU digital transformation funds

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We will tell you all the keys related to the assistance from the NGEU Funds in the field of gender equality.
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Find out all the details about the assistance from the NGEU Funds for social and territorial cohesion.
Social And Territorial Cohesion NGEU Funds

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